the Crew

by Aimee R. Van Selow


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So, this comic has actually been five years in the making...took me that long
to realize I could pull it off!  My best friend managed to not only get me going
online, but even beat me to it! 
Check out his comic (which I find highly enjoyable) here.

Like the Crew?  Get a glimpse of how we "really" are...Aimee's Live Journal.

Enjoy it?  Hate it?  Confused by it?
Give me feedback, criticisms, MEMS, et cetera here.
I will listen to any ideas, commentary, suggestions, death threats, ad naseum, ad naseum.
However, I take myself with a grain of don't be TOO offended if I do the same to you.
 (Anyone offended by this blurb is not getting the joke.  You know who you are. *wink*)
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